
Fewer hospitalisations and lower mortality due to the use of telemedicine

The digitisation of the German healthcare system needs sufficient funding and reimbursement.

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The German Journal ÄrzteZeitung (physician’s newspaper) stated in their recent newsletter (25th of February 2021) that the use of telemedical applications leads to a decrease of hospitalisations by one third and a lower mortality at the same time. Among others could the digital offers improve and complement care, as Dr. Rafii, a member of the Barmer management, is cited by the journal.

“We are convinced” says Sven Sauermann of HcH, “that the electronic patient record (Ger: elektronische Patientenakte – ePA), tele medicine, digital health applications (DiGA) as well as digital care applications (DiPA) have the potential of improving the German healthcare system. Many service providers are still ‘digital beginners, especially in the out-patient setting’, in our view.” The Hospital Future Act (Ger: Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz – KHZG) set an impulse in the right direction. However, it is hard to predict if the German healthcare system gains enough momentum for a successful digitisation. A reason for that is that investments in digital procedures like robotic assisted surgeries or other digital precision technologies can still not be reimbursed specifically via, e. g., the G-DRG-system. Instead, the investment in these technologies leads to a financial punishment.

“The digitisation of the German healthcare system can potentially contribute an important part to the overcoming of sector limitations (between in-patient and out-patient) or in a supply that is located nearby, as it is not existent anymore in many regions” says Dr. Habetha of HcH.

Please find more on the topic of digital health applications (DiGA) here.