
Latest market data on the German healthcare system published

Most current data on the German healthcare system ready for market analyses.

In Germany, all medical services are coded. This is done primarily for billing purposes and entails very specific diagnosis (ICD-10-GM) and procedure codes (OPS). These codes are called “quality data” and are published annually for each individual hospital and each individual department.

The Institute for the Hospital Reimbursement System (InEK), responsible for the maintenance and further development of the aG-DRG system, also publishes extensive data each year. The InEK data primarily provides information on the composition of the various diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and the associated costs.

However, other analyses can also be generated out of this data, like the number of hospitals used for calculation, case volumes, developments in reimbursement, etc.

You are interested in a data-based overview of the German healthcare system? We always have the latest data and the expertise to interpret it.
Just contact us and set up an appointment.

Author: Healthcare Heads GmbH

Phone: +49 431 800 1470
