
Enactments of the federal ministry of health in autumn 2020

Next to the hospital future act, the ministry of Jens Spahn planned further laws and enactments for the next couple of weeks.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Additionally to the extension of federal health minister Jens Spahn’s exclusive rights during the corona crisis, the ministry (BMG) will publish and enact further acts and laws during autumn.

Especially the hospital future act (“Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz” - KHZG) on which we already reported here is in focus.

Furthermore, there are draft laws concerning the improvement of healthcare and nursing (“Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung und Pflege” (GPVG)) as well as the reform of medical technical assistants (“MTA-Reform-Gesetz”).

According to the BVMed, further nursing and care reforms, a law for clinical cancer registers and an additional digital health law are planned. The additional digital health law will focus on video consultations and so-called digital nursing and carw applications (“digitale Pflegeanwendungen”), as the Handelsblatt magazine reported recently.

We will keep you posted on all relevant developments and news at this point.


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